Examples – Compex Systems Advanced SerialRAID Adapters SA33-3285-02 User Manual
Page 377

-S b[card ...]
Resets the flag for the bypass card. Valid values for card are 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12,
13, 16.
-S p[PSU ...]
Resets the flag for the selected PSU (power supply assembly). Valid values for
PSU are 1, 2.
-S r
Resets the flag for remote power on (RPO).
-S c
Resets the flag for the controller card.
-S o
Resets the flag for the operator panel.
-T threshold=value
Modifies the specified temperature thresholds to the given values. The valid
values for the [threshold] parameter are:
The low-temperature warning threshold.
The high-temperature warning threshold.
The value parameter is a temperature in degrees C.
To display the status of all bypass cards on enclosure0, give the command:
ssaencl -l enclosure0 -b
To display the status and VPD of the controller card in enclosure0, give the
ssaencl -l enclosure0 -c -v
To modify the ID for enclosure0 to R2D2, give the command:
ssaencl -l enclosure0 -I R2D2
To display the contents of disk bay (slot) 8 in enclosure0, give the command:
ssaencl -l enclosure0 -d 8
Chapter 16. Using the SSA Command Line Utilities