Compex Systems Advanced SerialRAID Adapters SA33-3285-02 User Manual
Page 452

Possible Causes
Description: Hot-spare tuning has been lost.
1. Type
smitty ssaraid
and press Enter.
2. Select List Status of Hot-Spare Pools.
3. Select the adapter that logged the error. If the adapter is not known,
select all adapters.
4. Note the RAID Manager (adapter) and pool number of spare-pools
that have a status of mixed.
5. Select List Components in a Hot-Spare Pool.
6. Select the RAID Manager and pool that you noted earlier.
7. Note the array name (hdisk) and member disk drive (pdisk) that have
a status of wrong_pool. (This array member disk drive (pdisk) is
exchanged later, after all rejected disk drives have been exchanged.)
8. Select Change/Show Use of an SSA Physical Disk, and select the
RAID manager that you noted earlier.
9. Note all the disk drives that are listed as rejected.
10. Exchange all failed and rejected disk drives for new disk drives.
11. Select Change/Show Use of Multiple SSA Physical Disks.
12. Change the Current Use parameter of the exchanged disk drives to
Hot Spare Disks.
13. If the user has a record of how disk drives are assigned to the
hot-spare pools, use that information to assign the hot spare disk
drives to the correct pools.
If the user has no such record, see “Deciding how to Configure Hot
Spare Disk Drive Pools” on page 45 to determine the best hot-spare
configuration, then go to step 14.
14. Select Change/Show/Delete a Hot-Spare Pool.
15. Add the hot spare disk drives to the correct pool (see “Adding Disks
to, or Removing Disks from, a Hot Spare Pool” on page 86).
16. Select Change Member Disks in an SSA RAID Array.
17. Swap the pdisk, whose name you noted in step 7, with a hot spare
disk drive that is in the pool that you noted in step 4 (see “Changing
Member Disks in an SSA RAID Array” on page 137).
Note: If the customer chooses not to have the disk drive swapped,
the only way to clear this error condition is to remove all the member
disk drives from this hot spare pool, then recreate the pool. If you
do these actions, you change the configuration of the hot spare
18. Select Change/Show Use of an SSA Physical Disk.
19. Change to Hot Spare Disk the Current Use parameter of the disk
drive (pdisk) whose name you noted in step 7.
20. Select Change/Show/Delete a Hot-Spare Pool.
21. Add to the correct pool the hot spare disk drive that you created in
step 19.
An array member has used a
hot spare disk drive from a pool
other than its specified pool. If
the hot-spare pools have been
correctly configured, this error
indicates that more than one
disk drive might have failed.
Possible FRUs:
Device (100%)
(“Exchanging Disk Drives”
User’s Guide and Maintenance Information