3 sensors – Metrohm 796 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 63

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4. Manual operation

796 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



4.3 Sensors

Depending on the Titroprocessor model, two measuring groups could be
built in. The connected sensors can be operated from the 'Manual control
page'. A manual measurement is also possible while a determination is
being carried out. The sensors in use are blocked for manual operation by
the Titroprocessor. Manual measurements can only be carried out with one
sensor at a time.

A name can be entered for each sensor or measuring input.



opens the dialog window for the calibration of pH


opens the dialog window for manual measurements.

The required sensor (

A1, A2, Adiff, AT or Apol) is first selected with the

cursor keys before a softkey is pressed. The tab key is used to access the
sensors of measuring group


4.3.1 Automatic sensor check

In order to ensure that sensor name in a method coincides with the current
settings of the manual control page (in which the actual occupancy of the
measuring inputs should be entered) it is possible to force a comparative
check to be carried out.
If a sensor name has been entered in the method and in the 'Manual control
page' then an automatic sensor check is carried out. The two entries are
compared with each other. If they do not agree an error message is
produced at the start of the particular mode.
The automatic sensor check is suppressed if no entries have been made in
the method or if the corresponding entries have been completely deleted in
the 'Manual control page'.

³ Meas. input A1

³ Sensor 6.0232.100

ß Manual control page

â Method

DET_PH* Determination of chloride

Reagent AgNO3 Sensor 6.0232.100

Concentr. 0.01 mol/L Meas. input A1

Dos. drive A1

4.3.2 Manual measurement

Measurements can be carried out by selecting the measuring input to which
the corresponding sensor is connected. The [Meas] softkey opens a
dialog window in which the measurement parameters, e.g. measuring mode
or measuring temperature can be modified according to the type of sensor.