Metrohm 796 Titroprocessor User Manual
Page 208
8.13 Communication functions
796 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(bits are always numbered from right to left)
SCAN_RM Remote A Pattern *******1
waits for an active input line 0 (1=set). This line is set by e.g.
a Metrohm instrument when a determination has been fin-
ished and a start signal can again be accepted.
Input lines which are not of interest or for which no defined
condition can be predicted should be masked with an aster-
isk (*).
It is of course possible to query several input lines simulta-
neously with a bit pattern (e.g. with ***10**1), whereby all
line statuses must correspond to the set bit pattern (e.g. for
synchronization of several instruments). Under synchroniza-
tion signal impulses may not be recorded under all circum-
stances as at a particular moment in time all line statuses
must correspond to the bit pattern.
Setting the output lines of the remote socket
The output lines can be set individually. Signal impulses can be created by
two CTRL commands which follow each other. The first command sets the
line to active (1), the second resets the status to inactive (0). The impulse
length (
1 s) is defined by the line time of the first CTRL command.
Command Parameters Parameters
Remote A Pattern ********
Both the output lines of the remote socket of the Titroprocessor itself as well
as those of a connected 717 Sample changer can be set. The remote
socket of the sample changer is provided with 14 output lines.
Remote socket address
A | 1 | 2
The remote socket of the Titroprocessor has the address
A; the remote socket of a sample changer is always ei-
1 or 2.
0 = inactive (high)
1 = active (low)
* = arbitrary