Metrohm 796 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 300

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13.7 Warranty and certificates

796 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



13.7.3 Certificate of conformity and system validation

This is to certify the conformity to the standard specifications for electrical
appliances and accessories, as well as to the standard specifications for
security and to system validation issued by the manufacturing company.

Name of commodity:

796 Titroprocessor

System software:

Stored in ROMs

Name of manufacturer:

Metrohm Ltd., Herisau, Switzerland

Principal technical information:


100…120, 220…240 V


50…60 Hz

This Metrohm instrument has been built and has undergone final type test-
ing according to the standards:

IEC801-2/IEC1000-4-2 (level 4), IEC801-3 (level 2), IEC801-4/IEC1000-4-
4 (level 3), IEC 801-5/IEC1000-4-5 (level 2/3), IEC801-6/IEC1000-4-6
(level 2), EN55011 / class B, EN55022 / class B, EN50081-1 01.92, EN
50082-2:1995, EN60555-2

— Electromagnetic compatibility

IEC1010, EN61010, UL3101-1

— Security specifications

It has also been certified by the Swiss Electrotechnical Association (SEV),
which is member of the International Certification Body (CB / IEC).
The technical specifications are documented in the instruction manual.
The system software, stored in Read Only Memories (ROMs) has been vali-
dated in connection with standard operating procedures in respect to func-
tionality and performance. The features of the system software are docu-
mented in the instruction manual.

Metrohm Ltd. is holder of the SQS-certificate of the quality system ISO 9001
for quality assurance in design/development, production, installation and

Herisau, February 15, 2000

Dr. J. Frank

Ch. Buchmann

Development Manager

Production and
Quality Assurance Manager