Metrohm 796 Titroprocessor User Manual
Page 151
8. Command Reference
796 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
The parameters of the monotonic titration modes coincide with those of the
DET modes, see page131ff.
8.3.2 User adjustments
User adjustments allow fine adjustment of the pre-set titration parameters.
Starting from one of the sets of parameters (slow, medium, fast) go to
'Adjustment' on the parameter page and press the [Custom adjust]
softkey to change the individual parameters in the ‘Custom adjust-
’ dialog window.
MET_PH* Custom adjustments
³ ³
³ Volume steps 0.1 mL Signal drift 50 mV/min ³
³ Titr. rate max mL/Min Equilibr.time auto s ³
³ ³
Volume steps
Size of the fixed volume steps
0,001…0,1…9,999 mL
The size of the volume steps should be selected care-
fully, as excessively large volume steps may adversely
affect the accuracy of the results. A good guide value
for selecting the volume increment is
of the ex-
pected EP volume.
Titr. rate
Titration rate
0,01…150 mL/Min | max
The titration rate has a direct impact on the dosing rate
of the volume increment. The maximum value will de-
pend on the buret cylinder size.
Buret cylinder max. rate
1 mL
3 mL/min
2 mL
6 mL/min
5 mL
15 mL/min
10 mL
30 mL/min
20 mL
60 mL/min
50 mL
150 mL/min
A value up to 150 mL/min can be entered even for small
buret cylinders. When the method is executed, however,
the dosing rate will automatically be reduced to the
largest possible value. Select '
max' whenever possible,
except with viscous reagent solutions.