Metrohm 796 Titroprocessor User Manual

Page 141

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8. Command Reference

796 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use



Time recording

Recording measuring time

on | off

To record the titration curve on the axis of time (measured
value against time) the time recording function has to be
switched on. It can be switched off for recording the titra-
tion curve on the axis of volume. This keeps the determin-
ing files smaller, as less measured values are recorded and


Polarization voltage (DET_UPOL* only)

-1270…400…1270 mV

The polarization voltage is the voltage which is applied to a
polarized electrode during the amperometric titration. The
measuring quantity µA is obtained.


Polarization current (DET_IPOL* only)

-127…1…127 µA

The polarization current is the current that is applied to a
polarized electrode during the voltametric titration. The
measuring quantity mV is obtained.

Stop conditions

The stop conditions define when and how a titration should be terminated.
In the same way as for the definition of the start conditions, the attainment of
any one of the stop criteria leads to the discontinuation of titration. Here,
too, combinations are possible and are indeed preferable.


Definition of the stop volume

absolute | relative| off

The stop volume can be entered as an absolute volume, or
as a relative volume as a function of the sample size. Vari-
ous other fields* will need to be edited depending on what
is entered in this field (see below). Attainment of the stop
volume leads to discontinuation of the titration.



Absolute volume (with abs. stop volume)

0…99.99…999.99 mL

It is preferable to select an absolute stop volume when the
primary objective is to prevent the titration vessel from



Calculation factor (with rel. stop volume)


The actual volume of the stop volume is calculated from:

Volume in mL = sample size

∗∗ factor
