Metrohm 796 Titroprocessor User Manual
Page 48
3.2 Configuration of sample changers
796 Titroprocessor, Instructions for use
deletes all rack definitions.
carries out a short test to check whether a rack code has
been allocated more than once. If this is the case then a
corresponding error message will be displayed.
3.2.2 Special beakers
Special beakers are the reserved beaker positions of a sample rack. Up to 8
special beakers can be defined per rack. In a method run they can be
placed in front of a tower for particular operations without interrupting
hindering the sample series. Special beakers can be used for rinsing the
electrode in a sequence of samples or to calibrate a sensor in an (OMOVE
start sequence (buffer solutions).
Special beakers are moved in front of tower 1 with the following command.
MOVE_B Special beaker spec1 to tower 1
Reserved special beaker positions, which can be defined separately for
each rack, are recognized as such in a method run and skipped when the
individual sample beakers are being processed.
If a special beaker is required in a method run but no special beaker is
present in the reserved position at the sample changer then an error
message is always displayed.
The softkey [Special beakers] opens the dialog window in which the
special beaker positions in the selected sample rack can be edited.
Rack 1
³ ³
³ # Spec.beaker Position ³
³ 1 Rinse 12 ³
³ 2 Cond. 11 ³
³ 3 spec.3 0 ³
³ 4 spec.4 0 ³
³ 5 spec.5 0 ³
³ 6 spec.6 0 ³
³ 7 spec.7 0 ³
³ 8 spec.8 0 ³
Freely selectable name of the special beaker.
Rack position of the special beaker (0=not defined)
It is recommended that special beakers are not placed
in the first rack positions but in higher rack positions.