SATEC PM180 Operation Manual User Manual
Page 139

Chapter 14 Viewing Log Files
Viewing EN50160 Statistics Reports
PM180 Substation Automation Unit
The standard compliance statistics is reported within the selected time range on a
daily, weekly or yearly basis depending on the observation periods stated in the
EN50160 for voltage characteristics. If the time range includes a number of the
observation intervals, each interval’s statistics is given in a separate row. For power
frequency, both weekly and yearly compliance statistics are provided.
For characteristics provided with definite limits, the report shows a percentage of the
observation time within which the characteristic complied with the standard, e.g. 98%
of the observations in a period of one week, and the total compliance indicator.
For voltage characteristics provided with indicative values, the report gives the yearly
statistical data classified by voltage magnitude and duration.
Selecting the Time Range
To change the time range or contents of the report, click on the report with the right
mouse button, select “Options…”, select the required time range, check the voltage
characteristics to be included in the report, and then click OK.