Working with the layout grid manager – HP 3PAR T-Class Storage Systems User Manual
Page 335
3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
320-200231 Rev A
Working with the Layout Grid Manager
The Layout Grid Manager allows you to view layout grids showing patterns of physical
disk, logical disk, virtual volume, and Common Provisioning Group (CPG) usage. These grids
can be used to monitor resource allocation.
Note: Logical disk information only appears if you have set your preferences
in the InForm Management Console to display logical disk information. See
Setting Global Preferences
The following topics discuss each layout grid:
Viewing Layout Information for All InServs
Viewing the Virtual Volumes Layout Screen
Viewing the CPGs Layout Screen
Viewing the Logical Disks Layout Screen
The following figure describes the structure of each layout grid:
All types of chunklet grid screens share the same basic features:
The far left column lists all physical disks in the storage server using the format: