HP 3PAR T-Class Storage Systems User Manual
Page 322
3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
320-200231 Rev A
64, 128, 256, or 512 KiB. For RAID 6 you can select 32, 64, or 128.
indicate whether the logical disks supporting volumes created with this
template should tend to use chunklets near the beginning of the
physical disks or the end of the physical disks. Choices are Fast-
default, Slow.
3. Click Next to enter disk filter information, or click Finish.
Step 3. Disk Filter
The Disk Filter displays the physical disks used. Pattern displays the parameters of the
disks used.
To modify the list of disks used:
1. Click the Filter icon.
2. See
for details.
3. Click Next to view summary information, or click Finish.
Step 4. Summary
Review the summary information and when satisfied, click Finish.
See also:
Viewing Templates