Displaying capacity information – HP 3PAR T-Class Storage Systems User Manual
Page 235
3PAR InForm Management Console 4.1.0 User’s Guide
320-200231 Rev A
number corresponds to both a performance measure and actual rotational speed. For an
SSD drive, the number is to be treated as relative performance benchmark that takes into
account in I/O per second, bandwidth, and the access time.
Growth Increment
The CPG grow size in GB.
Allocation Warning
If enabled, the allocation warning percentage.
The availability of Disk, Port, Cage, or Mag.
Displaying Capacity Information
To view capacity information, select Capacity from the filtering list. The capacity
information appears as follows:
The following information is displayed:
Column Description
The volume name.
The name of the InServ Storage Server.
The domain to which the virtual volume belongs.
The state of the system.
Total Capacity
The CPG's total capacity in GiB.
User Size
The user space size in GiB.
Used User Size (%) The amount of used user space in GiB.