Adic end user license agreement – ADIC SNC 5100 User Manual
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ADIC End User License Agreement
SNC 5100
ADIC End User License Agreement
This License defines the terms and conditions of the license between Advanced
Digital Information Corporation (ADIC) and Licensee for use of ADIC's
software and related documentation. Any software or related materials
provided to Licensee by ADIC will be subject to the terms and conditions of
this License and by opening the accompanying package and/or by using the
products, Licensee signifies its agreement with this license.
Software License.
License. In consideration of Licensee's payment of the License fees and subject
to the terms of this License, ADIC grants to Licensee a personal,
non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software (Software is
defined as the current version of the software products accompanying this
license agreement in object code form only). A separate license is required for
use of each Software program on each of Licensee’s computers. The Software
will be installed initially on Licensee's Designated Computer. Licensee may
thereafter transfer the Software to another one of its computers of the same
machine architecture, provided that the Software is installed on one (1)
Designated Computer at a time.
Use. Licensee is authorized hereby to use the Software on one computer only
(Designated Computer), or on backup equipment if the Designated Computer
is inoperative until such time as the Designated Computer is restored to
operation. This grant is specifically limited to use by the Licensee for normal,
customary internal data processing, and specifically excludes Licensee's
time-sharing or the rental of the Software or use of the Software in the
development or marketing of a competitive or compatible product. No right to
use, print, copy or display the Software or Documentation, in whole or in part,
is granted hereby except as expressly provided in this License.
Copying. Licensee may make one (1) copy of the Software in a non-printed,
machine-readable form for archival and back-up purposes only. In order to
protect ADIC's trade secret and copyrights in the Software, Licensee agrees to
reproduce and incorporate ADIC’s trade secret or copyright notice in any copy
or partial copy, and will maintain appropriate records of the location of such
US Government Rights. If the Licensee is the United States government,
Licensee understands and agrees that ADIC Software and documentation are
provided as “Commercial Items” as defined at 48 CFR 2.101 and are being
licensed to U.S. Government end users consistent with 48 CFR 12.212.