Spectra Precision Survey Pro v3.80 Recon iPAQ Reference Manual User Manual
Page 80
Survey Pro Reference Manual
: Moves the active value to Level 1 of the stack, or duplicates Level 1
if there is no active value.
6ZDS: Swaps positions of x and y in the stack.
'URS: Drops (removes) x from the stack.
(GLW: Moves the value in Level 1 to the active area where it can be
: Changes the sign of x.
[: Inverse of x.
: Enters 3.141592654 to the stack.
&OU: Clears the stack.
[: Square root of x.
: Arc sine of x.
: Arc cosine of x.
: Arc tangent of x.
GPV: Converts x in decimal degrees to degrees.minutes-seconds.
: Raises y to the power of x.
: Squares x.
6LQ: Sine of x.
&RV: Cosine of x.
7DQ: Tangent of x.
: Converts x, in degrees.minutes-seconds to decimal degrees.
/Q: Natural logarithm (base e) of x.
/RJ: Common logarithm (base 10) of x.
!5: Converts x, in decimal degrees to radians.
*!5: Converts x, in Grads to radians.
3!5: Converts the polar coordinates (y,x) to rectangular coordinates.
: Subtracts x in degrees.minutes-seconds from y in