Stake points – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v3.80 Recon iPAQ Reference Manual User Manual
Page 118
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Stake Points
The Stake Points screen allows you to stake a single point or a series
of points.
6HWWLQJV : located at the top of the screen, accesses the
Stakeout Settings screen (Page R-35).
Design Point
: is the name of the first point that you
want to stake.
: when advancing to the next point, the point
number is incremented by the value entered here. (A
negative integer can be entered to have point numbers
advance in descending order.)
1H[W 3RLQW ! : advances the current
Design Point
by the
value. If that point does not exist and the
value =1, the
Design Point
is advanced to the
next existing point.
Height of Rod
: is the length of the rod.
%DFNVLJKW« : accesses the Backsight Setup screen (Page R-78).
6ROYH ! : takes you to the second Stake Points screen where the
distance and direction to the design point is displayed, see below.