Open – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v3.80 Recon iPAQ Reference Manual User Manual
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Survey Pro Reference Manual
The Open screen is used to open any existing job and is
required to open a job that is not listed in the
Recent Job
list in the Open / New screen.
A list of all the jobs in the current directory is displayed.
Simply tap on the job name that you want to open and
then tap OK.
Note: TDS CR5 files can be opened just like any Survey
Pro JOB file. When a CR5 file is opened, it is
automatically converted and stored to a JOB file with
the same name. If a matching RW5 raw data file exists,
it too will be converted and saved to a Survey Pro RAW
file with a note inserted indicating that the conversion
took place.
When a job is being opened, the Loading JOB file screen
will open and display the status of the loading process.