Edit polyline – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v3.80 Recon iPAQ Reference Manual User Manual

Page 73

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Job Menu


Note: If a boundary is defined, only polylines that fall within the
boundary can be added.

1HZ« : opens the New Polyline screen, which is identical to the Edit

Polyline screen and is used to create a new polyline.

Edit Polyline



The Edit Polyline screen is used to perform some preliminary editing
to a polyline prior to accessing the polyline editor with the

(GLW« key.

7DS 3RLQWV« : allows you to tap points to define a new polyline. If a

polyline was already selected prior to accessing this
screen, it will be replaced by the polyline being created.

7R )URP« : allows you to define a range of points that

define a polyline. If a polyline was already selected prior
to accessing this screen, it will be replaced by the
polyline being created.

(GLW« : accesses the Polyline Editor, described on Page

R-48, where the polyline can be further edited.

&OHDU : will permanently remove the selected polyline

from the job.

3URSHUWLHV« : opens the New Line dialog box where the

description, layer and feature attributes can be modified.

: opens the Map Display Options screen (Page R-245)

to select what is displayed on the screen.