Global prompts, Celsius-fahrenheit, Error latching – Watlow Series 982 User Manual
Page 55: 29 global prompts, C_f] [`err, Setup-global
WATLOW Series 982 User’s Manual
Setup Menus, Chapter 4
Global Prompts
When you are in the Setup menus, the Series 982 displays the menu
selection ( [InPt], [OtPt], [GLbL] or [COM] ) in the upper display, and
[`SEt] in the lower display.
The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press
the Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its
value in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow <
keys to change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take
effect until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.
Select which temperature scale the controller will use.
[`C_F] This prompt appears only on controllers with [`In1] set to some-
thing other than a process input.
Error Latching
Select whether alarms will be latching or non-latching.
• Non-latching alarms [`nLA] turn off when there is no alarm condition.
• Latching alarms [`LAt] must be turned off manually.
[`Err] This prompt always appears.
Decimal points may
not always be in the
position specified
below depending on
the the settings in
the Decimal 1
[dEC1] parameters
in the Input Menu.
For more informa-
tion on errors, see
Chapter 8.