Chapter 1, 1 starting out with the watlow series 981/982, Chapter 1 starting out with the watlow series 982 – Watlow Series 982 User Manual

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WATLOW Series 982 User’s Manual


Starting Out with the Watlow Series 982, Chapter 1

Watlow’s Series 982, a 1/8 DIN microprocessor-based ramping controller, is
truly an innovation in the controller field. The Series 982 provides 6-step pro-
gram capability, with up to 4 files possible.

The new controller meets a wide variety of needs in the process industries.
Its broad range of I/O options allows control of virtually any process vari-
able. In addition to the standard Watlow features, the Series 982 has
expanded auto-tuning capabilities and increased alarm functionality.

If you are unfamiliar with general controller operation, it’s a good idea to
read through the entire manual. The manual is organized in chronological
order with each chapter broken down by wiring, menus, operation and
applications. If you understand the concept of process/temperature con-
trollers and feel comfortable skipping around through the manual, use the
index or the black tabs at the top of each page to quickly scan the pages
and find the topic you are looking for.

The map on the next page provides an overview of all menus and prompts
and how to navigate between them. There are three main prompts Setup,
Operation and Factory ([`SEt], [OPEr] and [Fcty]). Beneath these
prompts there are several menus. The Display Loop can be reached from
anywhere using the Display key.

Chapter 1 Starting Out with the

Watlow Series 982

Figure 1.1 -
Watlow Ramping

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