About this manual, Notes, cautions and warnings, Technical assistance – Watlow Series 982 User Manual
Page 2: Warranty and returns, Comments and suggestions, How to use this manual
How to Use this Manual
We have designed this user’s manual to be a helpful guide to your new Watlow con-
troller. The headlines in the upper right and left corners indicate which tasks are
explained on that page. If you are a new user, we suggest that your read through the
whole manual. If you are experienced, you may want to begin reading on page 2.1.
Notes, Cautions and Warnings
We use note, caution and warning symbols throughout this book to draw your
attention to important operational and safety information.
A bold text “NOTE” marks a short message in the margin to alert you to an impor-
tant detail.
A a bold text “CAUTION” safety alert appears with information that is important for
protecting your equipment and performance. Be especially careful to read and fol-
low all cautions that apply to your application.
A bold text “WARNING” safety alert appears with information that is important for
protecting you, others and equipment from damage. Pay very close attention to
all warnings that apply to your application.
The ç symbol (an exclamation point in a triangle) precedes a general CAUTION or
WARNING statement.
The Ó symbol (a lightning bolt in a triangle) precedes an electric shock hazard
CAUTION or WARNING safety statement.
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your Watlow controller, review all of your configu-
ration information for each step of the setup to verify that your selections are con-
sistent with your applications.
If the problem persists after checking all the steps, you can get technical assistance
by calling Watlow Controls at (507) 494-5656, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. CST, and
asking for an applications engineer; or by e-mailing your questions to wintechsup-
[email protected]. When you call, have the following information on hand: the con-
troller’s model number (the 12-digit number is printed on the top of the stickers on
each side of the controller’s case and on the right-hand or top circuit board); your
user’s manual; all configuration information; and the Diagnostics Menu readings.
Warranty and Returns
For information about the warranty covering the Series 982 Family of controllers
see the Appendix.
Comments and Suggestions
We welcome your comments and opinions about this user’s manual and the Series
982 Family of controllers. Send them to the Technical Editor, Watlow Controls,
P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580. Or call (507) 454-5300 or fax them to
(507) 452-4507. The Series 982 User’s Manual is copyrighted by Watlow Winona,
Inc., © February 2006, with all rights reserved.
About This Manual
WATLOW Series 982 User’s Manual