The waitfor functions of the soak step, 13 waitfor functions, Sample program – Watlow Series 982 User Manual
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WATLOW Series 982 User’s Manual
Programming, Chapter 7
The Waitfor Functions of the Soak Step
In the previous profiles we have used the Soak step but have not used the
waitfor function for this step. There are two waitfor functions. The first
being the wait for event (WE). If selected as On or OFF the Series
981/982 will wait, the program clock will stop and the profile will be held,
until the appropriate action is seen at the event input terminals, closed
for ON and open for OFF. If the [WE] parameter is set to disable (dSbL)
the function will be ignored. The second waitfor function is wait for
process crossover value (WPr). If a value is entered under this prompt the
profile will wait at this step until the desired process value is reached.
Both waitfor functions (if enabled) must be satisfied before the time
entered in the SoAH step is decremented.
Sample Program