Operator’s manual – Teledyne LeCroy ArbStudio User Manual
Page 225
Operator’s Manual
922244-00 Rev A
Exponentially Decaying Sine Wave,
Frequency Modulation, 193
Front Panel, 7
Full-Wave Rectified Sine, 199
Gaussian Pulse, 196
Half-Wave Rectified Sine, 200
Hardware Resources, 83
Importing a Waveform from an
Oscilloscope, 171
Initial ARBStudio Software
Interfaces, 17
Limits Settings, 90
Linear Amplitude Sweep of a Sine
Wave, 192
Linear Frequency Sweep, 195
Lorentzian Pulse, 197
Markers, 71
Minimum and Suggested System
Requirements, 1
Modulating Table, 85
Modulation Entry Editor, 86
Modulation Segment Editor, 87
Modulation Type, 84
Opening an Existing Workspace, 26
Pattern Settings, 92
Pattern Settings - The Clock
Generator Tab, 99
Pattern Settings - The General Tab,
Pattern Settings - The Trigger Event
Tab, 94
Pattern Settings - The Trigger In Tab,
Pattern Settings - The Trigger Out
Tab, 102
Phase Modulation, 194
Profile Command, 90
Pulse Definition Area, 141
Ramp, 188
Right Click, 55
Rising Exponential, 189
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