Teledyne LeCroy USBTracer_Trainer - Users Manual User Manual
Page 345

USB Protocol Suite User Manual
Chapter 12: Traffic Generation (3.0 Exerciser)
LeCroy Corporation
You can optionally set the analyzer to record the Loopback traffic to verify that
the system enters loopback. If you elect to record Loopback traffic, it is
recommended that you set Trigger on the Loopback command by setting Trigger
on TS2 with loopback bit asserted.
Step 4 Select the Electrical Test window from the View Menu.
Step 5 Click the Loopback Test check box.
Use the termination buttons to verify that a device sees (or does not see)
termination from the exerciser ports. After you finish, be sure to put them back in
the mode that you expect them to be in when done.
Step 6 Set the Loopback Interval. This is the time interval in milliseconds in which each
of the BERT ordered sets (BRST, BDAT, and BERC) will be transmitted.
The minimum value is 1 ms. The maximum value is 2^28 = 268,435,456 ms.