Teledyne LeCroy USBTracer_Trainer - Users Manual User Manual
Page 190

Chapter 9: Reports
USB Protocol Suite User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
USB3 Link State Timing View: Graphically shows how much time the link spends
in each link state.
USB3 LTSSM View: Displays the LTSSM diagram depicted in the USB 3.0
Power Tracker (Voyager M3i only): Displays voltage, current, and power. You can
select Hide, Full Screen, Sync by Time, or Real Time Monitor.
Run Verification Scripts: Opens a window to allow you to run verification scripts
over the open trace.
Real Time Statistics: To display statistical information for the channels.
Reports are available from the Report menu and buttons on the Tool bar. Tools are
available from the Tools menu.
Note 1: Similar to the windows in most Windows™ programs, most report views are
dockable and tab-able.
Note 2: When you open a report view, the software attempts to apply the
user preferences used when you most recently viewed the report.