Teledyne LeCroy USBTracer_Trainer - Users Manual User Manual

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USB Protocol Suite User Manual

Chapter 10: Recording Options

LeCroy Corporation


For Recording/Generating, select Analyzer Only, Host Emulation, or
Device Emulation.

For Simple Filters, you can Filter Out Logical Idles and SKPs, Filter Out LUP/LDN, or
Filter Out ITP.

For Simple Triggers, for Downstream and Upstream triggers, you can select Logical Idle,
, K-Code.
For CRC Error Triggers, for Downstream and Upstream triggers: CRC32, CRC16,
and/or CRC5 LC.
For Framing Error Triggers, for Downstream and Upstream triggers: SLC, SDP, SHP,
For Low Power States, for Downstream and Upstream triggers: U1, U2, and/or U3.
Note: If you trigger on a CRC error type, the traffic in the trace file at or near the trigger
may display as IPS (Inter-packet symbols), because the software might not detect proper
framing symbols. Consequently, searches for CRC errors may not find the CRC trigger
To cause a trigger signal to appear on the External Trigger Out facility when the simple
trigger(s) occur, select the External Trigger Out with Simple Triggers:checkbox.

For Clock/Speed Selection, select Gigabit as 5.0, 2.5, or 1.25 Gbps. For Voyager, the
Very Slow option allows you to customize the clocking frequency the Analyzer uses
when capturing data. You can select External or Internal (see “Very Slow Clock Usage”
section below.)

For Termination/RxDetect (Voyager M3i USB connectors only), you can select Auto or
Manual for Analyzer Ports and Enable RxDetect for Exerciser Ports.
For Analyzer Ports, if you select the Manual mode, the Term button in the toolbar is
enabled. For more information about the Recording buttons, see “Recording” on page 80.

Note: The Auto RxDetect mode has been designed to recognize 3.0 hosts and

devices and present 3.0 terminations to them when they are plugged in.
However, some cases have timing that can cause the Host and Device not
to connect or to go into USB 2.0 mode. If either of these timing cases occurs,
click the Momentary Disconnect button on the toolbar to cause a
Disconnect/Reconnect cycle of the VBus. If cycling does not work, disable
and then re-enable the xHCI Host controller driver in the Windows 7
Device Manager of your PDK.

Truncate Data Fields -

Truncate the data fields in a Data Payload packet to the length specified in the pull-down
selection. The actual amount captured is at LEAST the amount selected and may be up
to 8 bytes more, depending on traffic, to increase efficiency of the Analyzer hardware.

Note: Truncating the payload will allow for more packets to fit in a trace, but it has

the potential to prevent accurate decoding to higher layers (transfers, SCSI,

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