Teledyne LeCroy USBTracer_Trainer - Users Manual User Manual
Page 209

USB Protocol Suite User Manual
Chapter 9: Reports
LeCroy Corporation
Collapsing Idle Time, Enabling Tool tips, and Resetting Column
Click the View Options button
to open a menu with options for formatting the
display. Three options are presented:
Collapsible Idle Time: Opens a dialog box for setting the Idle time value. Setting a value
tells the Analyzer when to collapse Idle times and display them as grayed out strips within
the Bus View window.
Tooltip Display: Opens a menu with options for adding content to Tooltips. Tooltips
display when you position the mouse pointer over an item in the Bus View window. The
options are:
Tooltips Display Values
Tooltips Display Scrambled Values
Tooltips Display 10-bit Codes
Tooltips Display Symbols
Time Format: Seconds or Clock
Reset Column Widths: This option resets column widths to their defaults and enables
columns to resize themselves automatically any time the application window is resized.
Normally, columns automatically resize themselves if the application window is made
larger or smaller. However, if you manually resize any columns in the Bus View window,
column widths become static. Thereafter, if you resize the application window, the
Bus View columns do not adjust automatically. Reset Column Widths re-enables the
automatic resizing capability.
Reset Columns Order: Return to default column sequence.
Docking and Undocking the Window
You can undock the Link Tracker window by double-clicking the blue title bar along the
left side of the window. Once undocked, the window can be dragged anywhere in the
application. To redock, double-click again on the title bar.
Setting Markers
Markers can be set on any event within the Link Tracker window.
To set a marker, right-click an event, then select Set Marker from the pop-up menu.
Once marked, you can navigate to events with the Go to Marker command in the Search
Markers set in the Link Tracker window display the packet number and DWORD number.
In contrast, markers set in the Trace window just show the packet number.
Hiding Traffic
You can hide Idles and other data from the Link Tracker window by clicking the Hide
buttons on the toolbar.