1 voyager m3 general description – Teledyne LeCroy USBTracer_Trainer - Users Manual User Manual
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Chapter 1: Overview
USB Protocol Suite User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
1.2.1 Voyager M3 General Description
The Analyzer connects to a portable or desktop PC through the USB port. The PC
configures and controls the Analyzer. The “CATC Trace™” user interface is an industry
standard for documenting the performance of high-speed serial protocols.
The USB protocol Analyzer provides traffic capture and analysis. Hardware triggering
allows capture of real-time events. Hardware filtering allows filtering different packet
types in or out of the recording. Filtering also allows you to preserve recording memory,
for extended recording time.
The trace viewer application displays recorded data in colored graphics. The application
has advanced search and viewing capabilities that allow you to quickly locate specific
data, errors, and other conditions.
The system functions with any personal computer having the Microsoft
Windows Vista™ 32, Windows Vista 64, or Windows 7 (32 or 64) operating system and
a functional USB interface or Ethernet port.
The system provides on-the-fly detection of, and triggering on, such events as Tokens
and Errors. Whether recording manually or with a specified trigger condition, the system
continuously records the link data, in a wrap-around fashion, until manually stopped or
until the system detects the Trigger Event and records the specified post-trigger amount
of link data.
Upon detection of a triggering event, the Analyzer continues to record data up to a point
specified by you. You can individually enable or disable real-time event detection to allow
triggering on events as they happen, including predefined exception or error conditions
and user-defined sets of trigger events. An externally supplied signal can trigger the
You can use search functions to investigate particular events. In addition to immediate
analysis, you can print any part of the data. You can save the data on disk for later
viewing. You can generate timing information and data analysis reports.
Please refer to the Universal Serial Bus Specification for details on the protocol. The USB
specification is available from the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) at:
USB Implementers Forum
1730 SW Skyline Blvd.
Suite 203
Portland, OR 97221
Tel: +1/503.296.9892
Fax: +1/503.297.1090
Web: http://www.usb.org/