1 general display options – Teledyne LeCroy USBTracer_Trainer - Users Manual User Manual
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Chapter 7: Display Options
USB Protocol Suite User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
7.1 General Display Options
You specify the main Trace View information types and settings using General Display
Options (see figure on previous page):
Zoom Level: Zooms out from 100% (default) to 10% or zooms in from 100%
to 200%.
Enable Tips: Pops up text when you position the cursor over a field.
Wrap: Wraps lines of traffic information instead of truncating lines at the right
edge of the display.
Hierarchy Lines: Displays lines on the left side of Trace View showing the
hierarchy from Packets to Transactions to Split Transactions to Transfers if
you show higher-level decodes.
Timestamp Position: Aligns the Timestamp field At the beginning (in a
column on the left side of the Trace View), At the end (in a column on the left
side of the Trace View), or Merge with Packet/Transaction/Translation.
Selecting this option allows easier comparison with previous or following
Expand Packet Data: Displays packet data fields in expanded mode. If this
option is not selected, packet data fields display in collapsed mode, and you
can expand them manually.
Expand Script Decodes: Displays decoded transfer fields in expanded
mode. If this option is not selected, decoded transfer fields display in
collapsed mode, and you can expand them manually.
Process USB3 LTSSM: Enables the software processing needed for the
LTSSM views. Disable if you do not need link state information.
Stacking View: Puts a group of packets in one row, to shorten display.
Stacking conserves space in the trace view by displaying repeating items (or
item groups) as one item, along with the number of repeats.
For USB 2.0, stacking items (or item groups) can be SOF, Chirp (merges J's
and Ks into one stacked display unit), or NAK'ed (split) Transaction.
For USB 3.0, stacking items (or item groups) can be TSEQ, TS1 with same
Link Functionality, TS2 with same Link Functionality, LFPS with same Type,
LUP, LDN, or NAK'ed Transaction.
Note: Items are grouped regardless of any intervening Skip Sequence,
Electrical Idle, or Logical Idle symbols. If any of these occur during a stream of
the repeating stacking item, they are not displayed.
Std Reqs & Descriptors Scripts: Use dynamically loaded .DEC files (rather
than .REQ and .DSC files) for decoding Class and Vendor requests or
Default Bulk/Int Xfer type to Bulk on: Select FS and/or HS.
In most cases, the USB Protocol Suite can determine whether an endpoint is
an Interrupt or Bulk endpoint and apply the proper decoding. However, in
some cases, the USB Protocol Suite cannot distinguish traffic from these two
Transfer Types and defaults to Interrupt endpoint. For FS and/or HS, you can
set the software to default to Bulk endpoint, typically when you know that
captured traffic is Bulk, not Interrupt.
Note: In the Trace view, you can change the Transfer Type by right-clicking
the INT or BULK field and selecting the appropriate option.