Special blocks – Micromod MOD: 1800P - MOD 30ML Identity Module (Version 2) System, I/O and Communications Functions User Manual
Page 28
Logic Functions - Book 1
The execution order of the system blocks may be indicated by a number that the block
displays in its upper right corner. The system blocks in order are: the Interface block (IF1), the
System Event block (SE1), the configured list blocks (CL10, CL11, etc.), the Modbus list
blocks (ML1, ML2, etc.), and the loop blocks (LP1, LP2, etc.). Occurrence numbers are used
in consecutive order (e.g., LP1, then LP2, then LP3 etc.). Using higher occurrence numbers
out of order will use up memory space.
Special Application Builder blocks are available at the instrument and loop levels. These
blocks allow you to build different types of compounds, or add description blocks to your
strategy. For a description of compounding in the Application Builder, see
List Connected Compound
The state compound is a list connected compound and appears as a green oval. Any
connections made from this compound are made using the tag list menu of existing tag names
and attributes. Connections are made using a tag list to another block. The other block may be
in another compound. In this way, compounds may be connected together as shown below.
Direct Connected Compound
The direct connected compound (blue rectangle) allows you to develop a strategy group with
its own uniquely named inputs and outputs. Your direct connection list is created from within
the compound. Connections to the connection interface block (CIB) are presented as outputs.
Connections from the CIB are presented as inputs. Lists expand as the number of connections
increases. Connections are presented in the order they are created. Deleting a connection
also deletes it from the list.
Description Block
The description block allows you to place a description in your strategy any-where within an
instrument. Up to 30 characters are displayed. Additional characters are saved but not