Database reference conventions – Micromod MOD: 1800P - MOD 30ML Identity Module (Version 2) System, I/O and Communications Functions User Manual
Page 26
Logic Functions - Book 1
Database reference information includes attribute definition, block capabilities, and examples
of usage. The information is intended to aid the user in understanding and configuring the
instrument database. Also included is information on database organization and memory
block structures for users developing their own interface software.
Explanations for each attribute are given in the order presented in the block data table. The
block data table lists all valid attributes for the block. Attribute numbers (Attr column) can help
you find their descriptions; but, are only required for users developing their own interface.
Version attributes exist for future enhancement issues and are not explained further. The
following conventions are used in presenting the database reference information in the block
data tables.
Configurable Attributes
Shown in bold text
Non-Configurable Attributes
Shown in
italicized text
Identifies if an attribute is Configurable, Writeable,
and/or Readable.
The functional block diagrams show basic input/output structures and signal logic flow for the
block (signal flow is left to right top to bottom). Attributes are shown as selectable signal flow
paths or as possible values to the specified attribute in the attribute box. When a logical
source pointer (LSP) is selected, the data source becomes a softwired connection in the
instrument. The following conventions are used in presenting the database block diagrams.
Input Source Attributes
Shown in solid boxes with shading lines
Database Attributes
Shown in solid boxes
Internal functions
Shown in dashed boxes
Fixed Configuration Value
Shown in dotted boxes
The softwiring diagrams show basic input/output softwiring structures for connecting the block
in the database or to a strategy configured in an operator’s terminal. The following
conventions are used in presenting the database softwiring diagrams.
Internal Softwiring
Shown in solid arrowhead lines (with circles when
showing LSP connections between block attributes)
Operator Read/Write Attributes
Shown in dashed arrowhead lines
Special module/list connections
Shown as a double solid lines
Operator Dynamic Link
Shown as a black box