Micromod MOD: 1800P - MOD 30ML Identity Module (Version 2) System, I/O and Communications Functions User Manual
Page 177
Logic Functions - Book 1
Input (INPUT)......................................................................................................................CWR
The local engineering units value input can be written when the input source is local and the
block is in auto; otherwise, this value is the input source value and can not be written. When
the instrument state is not run, i/o lock is set or mode is manual, the scaled result (RSC) can
be written.
The block input is a floating point logical source pointer.
The block input is a local floating point value.
Readback (RB) ...................................................................................................................– – R
This is the value read as a result of a write to the analog output module when the output
module block is in auto, or it is the failsafe output value during a failsafe condition. When the
block is in manual, this is the last written result.
Readback Quality (RBQ) ...................................................................................................– – R
Readback quality is set BAD if an analog output module error occurs.
Initial result (Result) (R).................................................................................................... C – R
This is the actual output value in floating point counts (see output range top) from the
instrument that is written to the current output module when the block is in auto. The initial
result is established during download of the configuration.
Result Quality (RQ)........................................................................................................... – WR
The result quality is set BAD when the input status is bad and bad inputs are not accepted, or
if the restart or readback value cannot be read after a warm start. Any write to the result
causes the result quality to be set GOOD. The result quality is writable in manual, when the
I/O is locked, or the instrument state is not run.