Nortel Networks BCM1000 User Manual

Page 340

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P0607659 01

power supply 272
power supply module 275
solid green 161, 262
solid red 161, 262
SSM board 263
states 161, 262
system status monitor 233

licence, music on hold 6

lightning protector, installation 207

lightning surge arrestor

installation 208
installation in Canada 215
installation in U.S. 209

lightning surge protector 211


Companion, channel split 136, 192


protocol by region 26

Line jack 165

line protocol, by region 26, 301

line services

ISDN support, by region 298


BRI and PRI line types 302
module DIP switch settings 141
protocol by region 301

link protocol 168

local area network card 75

loop current 217

loop resistance 217


M7000 (International only) 103

M7100 (North America only) 104

M7100N (International only) 104

M7208 (North America only) 104

M7208N (International only) 104

M7310N (International only) 104

M7316 (North America only) 104

M7324 (North America only) 103

M7324N (International only) 103


maintain backups 244
removing the hard disk 244
replacing telephones 293
system restart 240

Maxell CR2032 coin cell battery 289

maximum loss, ATA2 218


networking 80
Q.SIG voice networking 80

media bay modules

4X16 description 74
4X16 settings 145
ASM DIP switch settings 147
ASM DIP switch settings (upgraded 2.5 system) 35
ASM wiring 179
ASM8 overview
availability by regions 25, 299
BRI DIP switch settings 142
BRI overview 74
channel requirements 34, 117
CTM description 74
CTM DIP switch settings 143
DECT settings 149
DIP switch settings 138
DS30 channel hierarchy 135
DSM DIP switch settings 148
DSM wiring 179
DSM16 overview 74
DSM32 overview 74
DTM description 74
DTM DIP switch settings 141
FEM overview 74
FEM settings 150
FEM wiring 182
grounding strap 152
install overview 86
installation overview 86
installation process map 151
installation wiring warning 154
installing a new module 153
LED troubleshooting 157
limitation 151
offset configurations 139
power routing with mirrored disk system 256
RAID board clip 253
removing power from the system 152
replacement process map 156
replacing 156
selecting the modules 111
station module wiring 179
switch offsets 116
system capacity 114
troubleshooting 157
wiring 175

Media Services Card, see MSC


amount of 70