Nortel Networks BCM1000 User Manual
Page 333

Installation and Maintenance Guide
installing clock battery 291
installing media bay modules 151
installing on a wall 125
knockout plate 273
memory 287
power LED 272
power supply 269
power supply switch 160
remove LAN card 282
removing cables 152
removing the cover 239
removing the front bezel 153
replacing memory 285, 288
replacing the hard disk 243
restart 240
securing the power supply 271
cable 120
check voltage 160
connect BCM1000 132
DS256 port 132
install in rack 129
install on a flat surface 132
installing media bay modules 151
mounting on the wall 131
overview 75
power supply 278
power supply switch 160
proximity to BCM1000 129
proximity to BCMe1000 129
redundant power supply 278
removing cables 152
removing the cover 239
removing the front bezel 153
restart 240
temperature LED, fan 262
board wiring, pinching warning 154
DECT module settings 149
description 74
DIP switch settings 139, 142
DS30 channel requirements 34, 117
line types 302
network standards 5
wiring 177
wiring chart 178
bus numbers, DS30 channel hierarchy 135
Business Communications Manager
4X16 98
4X16 combination module 99
ASM (analog station module) 100
Attendant Console (requires keycode) 80
BCM1000 LEDs 79
BCM1000 overview 70
BCMe1000 overview 75
BRIM S/T(ISDN trunk module) 96
cable between 120
Call Center (requires keycode) 81
Call Detail Recording 81
checking the power 160
component diagram 71, 72
connection points 78
CTM/CTM8 (Caller ID analog line) 95
data networking components 75
DECT system components 106
DPNSS networking 80
DSM 16 and DSM 32 (digital station module) 98
DTM (digital trunk module) 94
Fax Mail application 81
hard disk install 247
hard disk space 70
hardware components 70
i2050 soft phone 82
LAN CTE (requires keycode)
memory 285, 288
memory, amount 70
Message Networking (requires keycode) 82
NetVision system components 106
PCI slots 70
Personal Call Manager 83
ports 78
power supply 269
Professional Call Center (requires keycode) 81
QoS Routing 83
remove BCM1000 cables for shutdown 239
removing the hard disk 244
replacing fan 261
restart 240
shutdown 238
station media bay modules 97
supported adapters 75
supported telephones 75
system components 69
system features 80
T7406 system components 106
telephony components 74
TSP 82