Gs0aa, Groid, Ac75 at command set – Siemens AC75 User Manual

Page 65

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AC75 AT Command Set

2.14 AT^SCFG



Page 65 of 569


Confidential / Released

GPRS ATS0 with Attach
This parameter can be used to control the behaviour of



Parameter is global for all interfaces, volatile and will not be reset by





When the




>0) command is received, the MT will attempt to per-

form a GPRS attach.


When the




>0) command is received, the MT will not attempt to

perform a GPRS attach.

GPRS with AutoAttach
This parameter can be used to control whether the ME will perform a GPRS attach immediately after power-up

and registering to the network or not. If the setting is changed to "enabled" and the ME is not attached yet, it will

not initiate an attach immediately but after the next power-up and registration to the network.

Parameter is global for all interfaces, non volatile and will not be reset by





GPRS auto attach is disabled


GPRS auto attach is enabled

GPRS with persistent contexts
This parameter can be used to control whether the ME will store the GPRS context information defined by the


volatile or non volatile.

Parameter is global for all interfaces, non volatile and will not be reset by





GPRS context definitions are volatile.


GPRS context definitions are non-volatile and will not be reset by



Ring on incoming GPRS IP data packets
This parameter can be used to control the behaviour of the RING line for incoming IP packets in GPRS online


Parameter is local for the interface, volatile and will not be reset by




If the ME is in power saving mode 7 or 9 (see


) and hardware flow

control is in use (


3) and the RTS line is inactive and there are incoming

IP packets for a GPRS context which is online, then the RING line will be acti-

vated once, for a time which is configured by the parameter "URC/Ringline/

ActiveTime" (

). The RING line to be used can be configured with the

parameter "URC/Ringline" (




RING line is not activated for incoming IP packets.

MEopMode/Airplane: Enable/disable Airplane mode during operation
The two parameters


can be used to enable/disable the Airplane mode. Airplane mode

shuts down the radio part of the ME (PA and receiver), causes the ME to log off from the GSM/GPRS network

and disables all AT commands whose execution requires a radio connection. A list of AT commands supported

during Airplane mode can be found in Section



Availability of AT Commands Depending on

Operating Mode of ME

. The benefit of Airplane mode is that, at locations where no RF emission is allowed

(typically airplanes, hospitals etc.), the subscriber can continue using network-independent features rather than

powering off the entire device (e.g. a PDA or smartphone).

If the subscriber tries to use an AT command not available in Airplane mode the response "+CME ERROR:

Unsupported AT command" is returned.




