Srvparmvalue-alphabet, Srvparmvalue, R to – Siemens AC75 User Manual

Page 270: Srvparmvalue-srv, Type, Alphabet, Srvparmvalue-pcmd, For this par, Ac75 at command set

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AC75 AT Command Set

10.3 AT^SISS



Page 270 of 569


Confidential / Released

Parameter value; type and supported content depend on related


Supported Internet service type values in


value "srvType".

Before changing the "srvType" of an existing service profile be sure that the profile is closed. To verify the con-

nection state of the service profile enter the read command


. Only when

=2 is returned

for this specific service profile you can change its service type.

AC75 acting as client or server (listener) for TCP or UDP.

If AC75 is listener at least two service profiles are required. The first socket pro-

file must be configured as listener. The second service profile will be dynami-

cally assigned when a socket connection request from a remote client is

incoming. For this purpose, one service profile must be left free (= not config-

ured with


). An incoming socket connection request will be indicated

by the "


" URC, with the next free

shown inside the

URC as parameter

. The connection request can be accepted

or rejected by using the commands




and the ID retrieved

from the "




AC75 acting as FTP client.


AC75 acting as HTTP client.


AC75 acting as SMTP client.


AC75 acting as POP3 client.


Reset Internet service profile settings. Operation is not allowed if profile is in

use, i.e. it was activated via



Supported string parameter character set selections in


value "alphabet".


Applicable character set is determined by current setting of




International Reference Alphabet (IRA, seven bit ASCII).

Supported POP3 user command values in


value "pCmd".


Status command.

This command retrieves the "drop listing" of a POP3 server. A "drop listing"

consists of a single line containing the number of messages in the maildrop list

followed by the total size of the maildrop list in bytes. Each drop listing will be

finished by a so-called "dotline", i.e. a new line with just a single dot.


List command.


value "pNumber" is set to a non-zero value the "List" com-

mand returns the "scan listing", consisting of a single line which contains the

message number and the message size in bytes if the specified message

exists in the maildrop list on the POP3 server.

If no such message exists on the server than the POP3 service issues an error

response to the user.


value "pNumber" is zero the "List" command returns a multi-

line "scan listing". For each message on the maildrop list of the server the

POP3 service returns a line containing the message number and its size in

bytes. A final "dotline" will be printed at the end of the "scan listing".

If there are no messages on the maildrop list of the server, the POP3 service

returns a positive response, i.e. it doesn't issue an error response, but the

"scan listing" will be empty.

In either case, each scan listing will be finished by a so-called "dotline", i.e. a

new line with just a single dot.



