Responses – Biamp LTR User Manual
Page 206

Nexia Manual LTR
Value determines what a DSP block is being set to, incremented by, or decremented by. The
section will define which type of value the string will need in order to execute the NTP
Example: INC 1 AMLVLIN 4 1 1
In an Automatic mixer input level string, the Value equal to 1 states that the fader is to be
incremented by 1 dB.
Example: SET 2 MMLVLIN 5 2 –100
In a matrix mixer input level string, the value is set to –100dB.
Example: RECALL 1 PRESET 1004
For a preset recall we are telling device 1 to recall the fourth preset.
*When GET is used, a Value will not need to be specified since GET is a request command. A
must be set in order for SET, INC, DEC, and RECALL command strings to work.
Example: GET 4 MMLVLOUT 5
We are asking the level of a matrix mixer’s output. There is no Value required for this string.
When a successful SET, SETL, INC, DEC, or RECALL command is sent to an Nexia device via
RS-232 or Telnet, Nexia will respond with: ‘+OK’ followed by a carriage return and line feed.
Example: Sending the string: SET 2 AMLVLIN 4 2 1 < LF> will result in an: +OK
A successful GET or GETL command will result in a numerical response to the command string
followed by
The response from an NTP string with a GET command may contain a decimal point (with 4
numbers after the decimal) and/or negative numbers, depending on type of Attribute addressed. If
the control system does not support negative numbers or decimal places a GETL command may
be used instead (see page 6).
Example: After sending the above example to an Nexia device the string: