U to calculate a scalar multiplication ( ` row), U to add two rows (row+) – Casio FX-CG10 User Manual

Page 315

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Executing this program produces the following result.

u To calculate a scalar multiplication (`Row)

Example 2

To calculate the product of Row 2 of the matrix in Example 1 and the
scalar 4

The following is the syntax to use for this program.

`Row 4, A, 2_

Matrix name

Mat A

u To calculate a scalar multiplication and add the results to another row


Example 3

To calculate the product of Row 2 of the matrix in Example 1 and the
scalar 4, then add the result to row 3

The following is the syntax to use for this program.

`Row+ 4, A, 2, 3_

Rows to be added
Row for which scalar multiplication is to be calculated
Matrix name

Mat A

u To add two rows (Row+)

Example 4

To add Row 2 to Row 3 of the matrix in Example 1

The following is the syntax to use for this program.


A , 2 , 3


Row number to be added to
Row number to be added
Matrix name

Mat A

This manual is related to the following products: