Function analysis, Function analysis -52, K reading coordinates on a graph line – Casio FX-CG10 User Manual

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13. Function Analysis

k Reading Coordinates on a Graph Line

Trace lets you move a pointer along a graph and read out coordinates on the display.

1. From the Main Menu, enter the Graph mode.

2. Draw the graph.

3. Press

!1(TRACE), and a pointer appears in the center of the graph.*


4. Use

d and e to move the pointer along the graph to

the point at which you want to display the coordinates.

When there are multiple graphs on the display, press

f and c to move between them along the


-axis of

the current pointer location.

• At this time, pointer coordinate values appear at the bottom of the screen and to the right

(or left) of the pointer. Also, supplementary lines appear from the pointer to the


-axis and



• You can hide the supplementary lines by pressing

!c. To redisplay hidden lines,



5. You can also move the pointer by pressing

v to display the pop-up window, and then

inputting an



The pop-up window appears even when you input an


value directly.

To exit a trace operation, press




The pointer is not visible on the graph when it is located at a point outside the graph display

area or when an error of no value occurs.

• You can turn off display of the coordinates at the pointer location by specifying “Off” for the

“Coord” item on the Setup screen.

• The following shows how coordinates are displayed for each function type.

Polar Coordinate Graph

Parametric Graph

Inequality Graph


≥≥, Y≤, X≥, X≤)


≥≥, Y≤, X≥, X≤)


>, Y<, X>, X<)


>, Y<, X>, X<)

This manual is related to the following products: