HEIDENHAIN MANUALplus 4110 Pilot User Manual

Page 45

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ICP Programming

ICP Contour Elements

Line entry: First select the direction with the corresponding menu
symbol and then enter the contour element dimensions. For a line in
an angle, refer to the help graphics for the direction of the angle.

Circular element entry: Select the direction of rotation and the type of
dimensioning with the corresponding menu symbols. MANUALplus
also requires an indication for the end point, either by entering:

• the midpoint,
• the radius, or
• the midpoint and the radius

End face and lateral surface contours: Dimensioning is either
Cartesian or polar. The setting of the “Polar“ function key is the
determining factor. You can enter Cartesian coordinates as absolute or
incremental values.

• The start point of the contour is defined when you

describe the first contour element.

• The end point of the contour is determined by the target

point of the last contour element.

• The contour element is finished at a special feed rate.
• MANUALplus automatically calculates all missing

coordinates, points of intersection, center points, etc., that
can be derived mathematically.

• You can enter contour coordinates as absolute or incremental


• If you call the “Selection of ICP contours“, MANUALplus

displays – depending on the cycle – only ICP contours for
the turning contour, end face or lateral surface.

Call lines menu

Call arcs menu