Qc-300 series user’s guide – HEIDENHAIN ND 1300 VED and Crosshair Systems User Manual

Page 78

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QC-300 Series User’s Guide

Edge probe data collection parameters
Data collection parameters for edge probes include:

• The number of points to be collected for lines, circles and arcs by the multiple edge probe

• Edge timeout delay

Number of points probed for a line, circle and arc

When the multiple edge probe is used, the probe is seeded with a small number of points to define the

feature type, and then the remaining points are collected automatically by the system. Up to 99 points can

be collected for line, circle and arc features.

To specify the number of points collected for line, circle or

arc features, touch the Line, Circle or Arc Point data field

and enter the desired number of points using the number


Edge timeout delay

When the auto-enter function is enabled for feature measurement

on the LCD Video screen, a point is collected by the system each

time the stage is moved to position the part under the edge probe.

This automatic point entry is delayed until the stage has been mo-

tionless for a short time to ensure that the edge probe is located

where the user intended. This delay is the Edge Timeout. This

parameter is identical for the single and multiple edge probes.

The default value will provide adequate delay for most applica-

tions, but can be increased to accommodate more relaxed probing.

To specify Edge Timeout, touch the Edge Timeout

data field and enter the desired delay in seconds us-

ing the number keys.

The auto-enter function is enabled on

the LCD video screen