Joystick screen – HEIDENHAIN ND 1300 VED and Crosshair Systems User Manual
Page 307

Joystick screen
The Joystick screen contains fields calibrating and
configuring overall joystick motion.
Enabling joystick motion
Check an axis Enable box to enable joystick motion, or
clear the box to disable joy-
stick motion on that axis.
Specifying a joystick deadband
A deadband area of joystick inactivity is specified around the zero position of each axis to eliminate er-
roneous axis motion due to joystick vibration or noise. The default values are expressed as percentages of
total motion and will satisfy the requirements of most environments, however these values can be increased
or decreased by selecting the deadband field and entering the desired
Specifying axis direction
The direction of motion controlled by the joystick on an axis is reversed to accommodate different joystick
and system hardware by checking the Reversed axis box.
Specifying normal and fine axis velocity
The normal and fine axis velocities controlled by the joystick are specified by selecting a Normal or Fine
velocity field and entering the desired percentage of maximum axis velocity.
Joystick Screen