HEIDENHAIN ND 1300 VED and Crosshair Systems User Manual

Page 262

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QC-300 Series User’s Guide

Setting a new machine zero reference

A machine zero is established each time the QC-300 is powered. However, it might be necessary or con-

venient to change the location of the machine zero position to a new “home” position for measurements.

To set a new machine zero position:

Select the Machine Zero Offset data field, move the stage to the desired new machine zero position and

touch the Set button. The new machine zero for the current axis will be established and the offset displace-

ment from the original machine zero to the new machine zero will be shown in the Machine Zero Offset

data field. Repeat this pro-

cess for each axis.


SLEC and NLEC encoder error correction values are referred to a repeatable machine

zero location. If the machine zero location is set to a different XY position, SLEC and

NLEC correction values will no longer be valid.

Reversing the encoder count direction

Encoder count direction for each axis is toggled between normal and

reversed by repeatedly touching the Reversed choice field.

Enabling axis error messages

Encoder error messages for each axis can be displayed on the

LCD. These messages are enabled or disabled by repeatedly

touching the Enable Axis Errors choice field.

Specifying slew limit

An encoder error message is displayed when the encoder rate of travel exceeds the encoder velocity shown

in the Slew Limit data field. The Slew Limit velocity is calculated by the formula:

Slew Limit = (500,000 counts/second) X (encoder resolution distance/count)

For example, a 0.0005 mm/count encoder would have a Slew Limit of 25 mm/sec

Slew Limit = (500,000 counts/second) X (0.0005 mm/count) = 25 mm/sec

To change the velocity limit value, touch the Slew Limit data

field and enter a new velocity.