HEIDENHAIN ND 1300 VED and Crosshair Systems User Manual
Page 288

QC-300 Series User’s Guide
Locking features to their original datums
Features can be locked to their original datums or can be referred to new datums as datums are created. In
the following example illustrating locked and unlocked features, 6 features are measured using 2 datums.
Measurement activity
Datum 1 is created, then
Feature 1 is measured, feature 2 is measured and feature 3 is measured
Datum 2 is created, then feature 4 is measured, feature 5 is measuredand feature 6 is measured
Measurement results when features were locked before measurements
Features 1-3 are referred to datum 1
Features 4-6 are referred to datum 2
Measurement results when features were not locked before measurements
Features 1-6 are referred to datum 2
To lock features to their original datums, touch the Lock Features
choice field to toggle the choice to Yes.
Specifying signed distances
Distance measurements result in X, Y and L (vector) displacements. The Y-axis displacements can be
shown as signed or absolute (positive only) values. When signed values are specified, axis displacements
from right to left and from top to bottom are negative.
To specify signed distances, touch the Distances choice field to
toggle the choice to Signed.
Enabling and configuring point filtration
Point filtration extracts aberrant data points from the total population of data during the least squares best fit
calculations of arc, circle and line features. Points are extracted when they exceed the specified error limit
(quantization factor) and fall outside the specified standard deviation range (Sigma factor). The filtration
process ends when all remaining data points satisfy the quantization or standard deviation requirement, or
when the minimum percentage of retained data points (proportion factor) is reached. Extracted data points
are highlighted in yellow in the View window. The last points retained are highlighted in red.