Operation, Summary, 5 operation – Grass Valley NV9649 v.1.1 User Manual
Page 93: Chapter 5, Topics

Chapter 5 provides instructions for the NV9649 control panel.
This chapter is intended specifically for the NV9649 panel operator.
As an NV9649 operator, you will be confronted initially with a relatively small and simple
panel —
28 buttons, four 8-character displays, and a knob (that you can rotate and push).
The panel can operate according to 3 behavioral models (or operating modes):
Server mode.
The NV9649 (the “server”) operates in conjunction with a number of NV9648s (which are the
NV9609 mode.
The panel operates almost exactly like an NV9609.
LCD XY/MD mode.
The panel has a hierarchical (tree-like) structure of button “pages”. You can switch at any
time between “X-Y mode” (in which you can select individual levels for a take) to MD (multi-
destination) mode where you can perform many simultaneous takes that are all-level.
Communicate with your system administrator (or whoever designed the control system or
configured its control panels) to understand the model in which the panel was configured and
how it operates.
If your panel operates under the server model, it will operate in conjunction with a number
of NV9648s (the “clients”). You will need to understand how to operate the NV9648s as well.
Please refer to the NV9000-SE Utilities User’s Guide (or the NV9000-SE Utilities help files) if you
are unfamiliar with the concepts used in this chapter.