Src/dst mode, Take, Take all – Grass Valley NV9649 v.1.1 User Manual
Page 107: Undefined, Buttons for the lcd xy/md model, Back, Src/dst mode take take all undefined

User’s Guide
In source mode, a category selection appears at the beginning of the ‘Preset’ display.
Src/Dst Mode
The button toggles between source and destination modes. Category selections in source mode
select source devices. Category selections in destination mode select destination devices.
In normal mode, a take button routes the preset source to the selected destination on selected
level or levels.
In salvo mode, a take button executes a selected salvo.
A take button is disabled (and dark) until it becomes possible for the operator to execute a take.
Take All
Use the ‘Take All’ button to take a source you have selected to the destinations of all the NV9648
control units.
An undefined button cannot be used and appears dark (unlit) on the panel. The term “unde-
fined” has meaning primarily to the configurer.
(Other buttons, temporarily disabled, might also appear dark. They are not necessarily
Buttons for the LCD XY/MD Model
There are 31 button function types for a panel in LCD XY/MD mode (not counting ‘Undefined’):
Redisplay the previous button page. (The previous button page becomes active.)
A back button may have any legend and be any color, but typically its legend is just “BACK” and
typically, its color is blue, as it is for back buttons generated automatically for lists. A back button
is never high-tally.