Md destination options, Button functions for nv9609 mode – Grass Valley NV9649 v.1.1 User Manual
Page 80

Button Definitions
MD Destination Options
On the right side of the multi-destination entry editor, each MD destination has two check-
boxes. One is in the ‘User Definable’ column and the other is in the ‘User Selectable’ column.
When the MD destination is “user definable,” the operator may choose a different destination
using the panel buttons. “User definable” is the default for all MD destinations. Uncheck the
‘User Definable’ box if you want to prevent the operator from changing this MD destination.
When the MD destination is “user selectable,” the operator may select it and assign a different
source to it using the panel buttons. That is also the default for all MD destinations. Uncheck the
‘User Selectable’ box if you want to prevent the operator from taking a source to this
Button Functions for NV9609 Mode
These are the button types available for NV9649 configurations under the NV9609 model:
Description (under NV9609 Mode)
On the data (machine control) level, the button enables a broadcast take to an
additional controlled device, after a broadcast route has been initiated with a
“source is master” control-level take to the first controlled device.
The button definition has no fields to configure. Its legend is arbitrary.
A broadcast button is useful in dubbing applications or when a backup (redun-
dant) device is in use. See
See also the
button, following.