Grass Valley NV9649 v.1.1 User Manual
Page 82
Button Definitions
The button reverts to the most recent preset. You may think of this as a “back-
space key.” It erases the suffixes you entered under category select in reverse
(If the operator is in level mode, or in salvo mode, ‘Clear’ brings the panel back to
normal mode.)
The button definition has no fields to configure. Its legend is arbitrary.
The button selects a destination. The destination name appears in the ‘Destina-
tion’ display. The destination is the target of an upcoming take, which will route a
source to that destination.
Pressing a destination button has two side effects: it clears
or partially clears
the ‘Preset’ display, and (2) it turns off the ‘Take’ button if it is on.
When you configure a destination button, a drop-down menu appears: ‘Destina-
tion Device’. Choose a device from the list. The ‘None’ entry is merely a
placeholder. Do not choose ‘None’.
The button definition section also presents a “level set filter” drop-down list in
which you can select a level set to reduce the number of sources through which
to browse.
The button legend is the source name, unless you check ‘Use Custom Button
Text’ and assign the button your own text.
The button sets or removes a “lock” on the current destination device. The lock
can be removed only by the user that originally set the lock, or by a panel that
has “Force Release” enabled.
The button definition has no fields to configure. Its legend cannot be changed.
The NV9649 provides no explicit indication, during operation, whether a destina-
tion is locked or unlocked.
The button places the panel in destination mode. Category selections in destina-
tion mode select destination devices. Category buttons that are not configured
with destination categories become disabled.
Categories that include both source and destinations appear in both source
mode and destination mode.
The button definition has no fields to configure. Its legend is arbitrary.
The button sets or removes a “protect” on the current destination device. The
protect can be removed only by the user that originally set the protect, or by a
panel that has “Force Release” enabled.
Note: a protect prevents others from routing to a destination; a lock prevents
even the user who issued the lock
from routing to the destination.
The button definition has no fields to configure. Its legend cannot be changed.
The NV9649 provides no explicit indication, during operation, whether a destina-
tion is locked or unlocked.
Description (under NV9609 Mode)