Measurement Computing Analyzer488 User Manual
Page 172

Section 4
Serial Controller
The Error Code is 00 when no error has occurred. If it is non-
zero, then the appropriate error message is appended to the STATUS
response. For more details about the individual errors, refer to
Appendix B. The Error Code is reset to 00 when the STATUS
response is read.
The Triggered (T0) and Cleared (C0) indicators never change.
Since the Analyzer488 is always a system controller, it will never
receive a GET (Group Execute Trigger) or SDC/DCL (Selected
Device Clear/Device Clear) bus command.
If an ERROR has occurred, issuing STATUS 2 will cause a two
digit error code to be returned. If no error has occurred, the value
0 is returned. Once the error message is sent by the Analyzer488,
the error condition is cleared. Refer to Appendix B for error
message explanations.
Returns the state of the Trigger and Record circuitry and the
progress of the recording sequence. A five digit binary number
will be returned with each bit representing the following:
Format : ABCDE
Digit A - Trigger status, 1 = On
Digit B - Trigger Found status, 1 = Trigger pattern found
Digit C - Record status, 1 = On
Digit D - Sequence status, 1 = Sequence complete
Digit E - At End selection, 1 = Step
Returns information about the most recent recording sequence. A
two-word description, followed by a numeric value will be
returned for each parameter. Each description and number is a
fixed field string with leading zeros for numeric values. The entire
response is sent as one string.