Zilog Z16F2810 User Manual
Page 208

CPU Core
User Manual
CALLA instruction 81
carry flag 10
caution, meaning of xvi
ceiling function 7
clear register instruction 82
clear, meaning of xv
clearing bits 37, 38
CLR instruction 82
COM instruction 84
comment, assembly language 21
compare instruction
description 86
to zero with carry 92
with carry 89
complement instruction 84
concatenation, bits xv
condition code
blank 12
carry 12
descriptions 11
equal 12
greater than 12
greater than or equal 12
less than 12
less than or equal 12
minus 12
no carry 12
no overflow 12
non-zero 12
not blank 12
not equal 12
overflow 12
plus 12
unsigned greater than 12
unsigned greater than or equal 12
unsigned less than 12
unsigned less than or equal 12
zero 12
conventions, general xiv
counter, program 4
courier typeface, meaning of xiv
CP instruction 86
CPC instruction 89
CPCZ instruction 92
block diagram 2
control instruction class 25
control register 13
CPUCTL register 13
CPZ instruction 94
Customer Support 199
cycles, execution 6
cycles, fetch 5
data bus width 19
data size 30, 31, 32
DEC instruction 96
decimal range 32
decoding, opcode 3
delay cycle
destination operand 21, 27
DI instruction 98
direct address
directive, assembly language 21
disable interrupts 41, 98
by zero 51
overflow 51
signed 152
unsigned 180
unsigned 64-bit 182