Versajet rs i Page 198
Page 198

Programming Reference
RS i
Draw box
RS i n1 x1L x1H y1L y1H x2L x2H y2L y2H w pL pH
1E 69 n1 x1L x1H y1L y1H x2L x2H y2L y2H w pL pH
30 105 n1 x1L x1H y1L y1H x2L x2H y2L y2H w pL pH
n1 = 1 ; 0 ≤ x1L, x1H, y1L, y1H, x2L, x2H, y2L, y2H ≤ 255
0 ≤ w ≤ 255; 0 ≤ pL, pH ≤ 255
Draw box
x1L: Position x1(Low byte)
x1H: Position x1(High byte)
y1L: Position y1(Low byte)
y1H: Position y1(High byte)
x2L: Position x2(Low byte)
x2H: Position x2(High byte)
y2L: Position y2(Low byte)
y2H: Position y2(High byte)
w: Width(dots) of a box
pL: Box Pattern(Low byte)
pH: Box Pattern(High byte)
This command can draw boxes of flexible length, thickness and pattern.
The box command produces rectangular shapes of specified line thickness.